Readiness to Fruitfulness

RIOM Brochure
Mutual discernment of church and candidate about clarity of call to ordained life through experiences in local congregations, connectional structures, and theological formation.
The church publicly acknowledges God’s call and the response, talents, gifts, and training of candidates. Elected Provisional Deacons/Elders begin Residency In Ordained Ministry and are appointed or remain appointed.
Full Connection-Fruitfulness
Faithful participation in RIOM and evidence of fruitful ministry. Elected Deacons/Elders in Full Connection. Ordination at Annual Conference and member of Order.
Grounding residents in baptismal identity and a rule of life to sustain them for a lifetime of joyful service in the UMC.
Connecting residents to one another, the BOM, conference leaders and peers, laity, members of local communities, and their local contexts.
Equipping residents through ministry reflection, self-awareness, and practical appreciative leadership tools.