This Annual Conference year initiates the sixth year of the North Carolina Conference’s commitment to assisting clergy with reducing seminary debt. With gratitude to the Council on Finance and Administration Committee establishing an endowment in 2015, the NCC Endowment Team continues to accept ordained elders and deacons into the program. Over the past five years, the Seminary Debt Endowment paid almost $175,000 in matching payments to lenders. Of the 21 participants of the program, nearly 1/3 of these individuals already completely paid off loans received toward seminary education.
Upon review of the financial statements demonstrating intentional and regular payments toward their lenders, a check is issued that matches the total annual payment of that clergyperson up to the upper limit of the award granted.
We celebrate the faithfulness of congregations that give to the ministries of the church and of the United Methodist Church that affords such generous gifts such as these. Knowing of the immense financial commitment of an individual to a seminary education, and the hardship of prolonged debt for clergy and their families after graduation and ordination, the NC Conference is grateful this program continues to grow in awareness and participation.
Beginning on May 15th, the application will be available to all ordained elders and deacons – members in Full Connection within the NC Conference – open through July 15th. For questions, please contact the Office of Ministerial Relations.
For more information, visit this link.