The past two years of hybrid and online worship meant new avenues for evangelism. As pastors, church leaders, and youth honed their skills in Facebook live, streaming, and recording worship, our UMCs have been able to reach out to new worshippers both in North Carolina and outside our local geographic reach.
It is the time to recognize those who engaged in evangelism in the past year and made a real connection through their ministry, whether it was in person or online. The NCCUMC is ready to accept the 2022 Harry Denman Award nominees, those who have shown an exceptional ministry of evangelism and bringing people into a life transforming relationship with Jesus Christ.
The NCCUMC is thrilled to recognize one youth, one clergy, and one lay person in our conference. Awards will be given in the local church and a short video of the recipients will be shared at the 2022 annual conference.
The deadline to submit a nomination for this year is April 4, 2022. Thank you for taking the time to nominate a youth, clergyperson, or lay person who has made an impact for Christ!
Evangelism happens in many contexts and many settings. Since 1990, the NCCUMC has honored over 50 youth, clergy, and laity for their work in evangelism. View past recipients in the NCCUMC.
Thank you for your partnership in helping us identify persons with exceptional ministries of evangelism. We look forward to honoring the 2022 recipients at their local church and through a video at Annual Conference. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Center for Leadership Excellence (
~ The NCCUMC Commission on Evangelism and the Center for Leadership Excellence