Breaking barriers and building bridges of shalom with all people of faith.
Core Values:
- Respect for our common humanity based on the Imago Dei.
- Humility and respect for faith and tradition of others.
- Dialogue and relationship as means of finding peace/shalom/salaam.
- Unity
- Hospitality
- To advocate and work toward the full reception of the gift of Christian unity in every aspect of the Church’s life and to foster approaches to ministry and mission that result in finding the kingdom of God in the midst of us.
- To enable ecumenical and interreligious understanding, education, and experience among all United Methodists of the North Carolina Conference.
- To advocate and work for the establishment and strengthening of relationships with other faith communities, and to further dialogue with persons of other faiths, cultures, and ideologies.
- To develop and interpret to the North Carolina Conference and to local churches the primary relationships of The United Methodist Church to ecumenical and interreligious organizations (such as the World Council of Churches, the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A, the North Carolina Council of Churches, World Methodist Council, Churches Uniting in Christ, and the World Conference on Religion and Peace); to united churches, which include a church formerly related to The United Methodist Church or its predecessors; and to churches that have entered into a formal covenanting act with The United Methodist Church. We further encourage dialogue with other organizations such as the National Association of Evangelicals and the World Evangelical Fellowship.
- To pursue or initiate relationships and conversations with Christian ministries, organizations, and denominations that are not a part of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., to seek areas of cooperation and common cause in the advancement of the cause of Christ.
- To pursue or initiate relationships and conversations with other Christian Churches on possible church unions and in general bilateral or multilateral dialogues.
- To work toward unity and greater understanding within the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church.
- To report to Annual Conference on developments in Christian unity and interreligious issues and to make recommendations on any specific proposals for church union.
- To consider resolutions, pronouncements, and actions of ecumenical and interreligious councils and agencies, to be responsible for appropriate responses, and to initiate or to channel counsel to ecumenical and interreligious bodies.
- To work as partners with agencies of the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church on matters of mutual concern.
- To care for other matters as may be deemed necessary by the commission or requested by the Annual Conference, the Bishop, or Connectional Table.
General Commission on Race and Religion
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