“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”
Matthew 28:19
Jesus calls us to share the good news and make disciples. Every day, people in our churches live out this call—building relationships, extending invitations, and sharing Christ’s love in ways that transform lives.
Who in your church is answering that call? Perhaps it’s a pastor who connects with the community beyond the church walls, a youth who eagerly welcomes new friends, or a layperson who helps others encounter Christ in meaningful ways.
The Denman Evangelism Award honors clergy, laity, and youth who embody the spirit of evangelism through authentic relationships and faithful witness.
Your NC Conference Evangelism & Discipleship Team invites you to nominate a pastor, youth, or layperson whose ministry reflects this calling.
Let’s celebrate those who are making a lasting impact for Christ!
The deadline for online nominations is March 28.
Thank you for helping us recognize and honor those who share Christ’s love in powerful ways. We look forward to celebrating the 2025 recipients in their local churches. If you have any questions, reply to this email or reach out to us at cle@nccumc.org.
Since 1990, the NC Conference has honored over 50 youth, clergy, and laity for their work in evangelism. View past Denman Award recipients.
~ NC Conference Evangelism & Discipleship Team and the Center for Leadership Excellence