Have you seen your pastor reaching out into the community to form deeper connections with your neighbors? Is there a youth in your church who invites and welcomes new people into youth group? Do you have a lay person who leads small groups, which leads to participants’ deeper connection with Christ?
The North Carolina Conference Evangelism and Discipleship team is seeking nominations for the Harry Denman Evangelism award, with categories for youth, clergy, and laity. Let’s celebrate the good work that is happening around us—and the people whose faith and ministries are making a positive impact for Christ. The deadline is March 30.
Evangelism happens in many contexts and many settings. Since 1990, the NC Conference has honored over 50 youth, clergy, and laity for their work in evangelism. View past Denman award recipients.
Thank you for your partnership in helping us identify persons with exceptional ministries of evangelism. We look forward to honoring the 2023 recipients at their local church and through a video at Annual Conference. If you have any questions, reach out to us at cle@nccumc.org.
~ NC Conference Evangelism and Discipleship and the Center for Leadership Excellence