Advocating Strategies
Effecting change and improvement in public education policy requires sound objective research, clear goals, and focused strategic advocacy work. Below are ideas for congregations to consider as ministries in public education.
Congregations and Districts
Listening, sharing, participating with others
- Basic facts about the state of education in NC
- Study the Biblical narrative about education
- Preach justice
Providing “just” knowledge and skills
- Create support groups for the parents in your local school
- Provide coaching for immigrant families, plus coaching in parenting responsibilities for disadvantaged children
Building advocacy skills
- Empowering/educating congregations to research and examine the issues
- Gather lots of data
- Build multiple advocacy strategies to suit each issue
Declaring justice
- Let the community know about what you find, the problems and the opportunities for mobilization
- Declaring injustices
- Collaborate with other advocacy groups
- Preach justice
Mercy and Charity
- Current state of the law and its enforcement
- Look for evidence of unfairness and injustice
- Listen to real stories
Acts of Justice
- Mobilizing congregations to advocate to improve the application of constitutional law on education
- Vote for candidates who support public education
Families, Children, Teachers, Educators
Listening, sharing, participating with others
- Providing basic legal information
- Brochures
- Social media information
- Connect parent groups from different parts of the town
Providing “just” knowledge and skills
- Share information about school management, finances, and state education policy
- Legal rights information and briefings
- Provide opportunities
Building advocacy skills
- Run lots of listening sessions with parents, teachers and administrators to gather facts and problem solve
Declaring justice
- Find leaders among these groups to build a power base with them and themselves
Mercy and Charity
- Supporting schools through programs like C4C
- Support teachers and school administrators in their efforts to improve resources
Acts of Justice
- Mobilizing communities to advocate to improve the application of constitutional law on education
- Vote for candidates who support public education
General Public, Policy Makers, Public Officials
Listening, sharing, participating with others
- Learn about public and official attitudes and practices IRO education resources
- Learn about the state education budget
- Establish public forums to listen
Providing “just” knowledge and skills
- Inform public of problems at your school through letters to the press
- Letters to the press
- Letters of advocacy to elected representatives
Building advocacy skills
- Start building a relationship with your local school board members and other elected representative
- Find out their voting patterns on education issues
Declaring justice
- Build some form of basic policy about public schools and declare this to your school management, the school board, and your state representatives
Mercy and Charity
- Deepen your relationship with elected representatives and keep them informed about the state of things through letters, petitions, briefing sessions and face to face discussions
Acts of Justice
- Build strong advocacy approaches to change public policy and funding for public schools
- Challenge poor decision by public officials and advocate for improvements
Additional Resources
PDF resources from the NC Conference Board of Church and Society.