Thanks to the leadership and support of their pastor, Rev. Claire Clyburn, the congregation of First United Methodist Church in Graham (Corridor District) devoted both worship services on July 17, 2022, to a celebration of their C4C partnership with South Graham Elementary School, a Title 1 school with significant needs — and significant opportunities for church volunteers to contribute time, money, books, food, and school supplies to children in need.

Speakers at the services included members of the church’s C4C Leadership Team, the school’s social worker, and the NCCUMC C4C Director. The beautiful altar decorations depicted symbols of how they have served children at their partner school. The bulletin insert included an impressive list of some of their contributions to the lives of the school’s students and educators. Here are just a few highlights:
- 7,293 weekend food packs distributed since 2016
- Over 1,285 family food bags distributed since 2015
- Over $44,000 invested in food purchases for children and their families since 2016 through church donations and grant funding
- $127,000 raised through a church-led, community initiative to purchase and donate a food truck to the Alamance-Burlington School System to deliver food to children in need
- Thousands of school supplies and hundreds of clothing items donated to children in need
- Over 4,620 books donated to children since 2015
- 10 “Panda Buddies” per year mentored and tutored SGES students
- Over 30 male volunteers participated in the Watch D.O.G.S. Program (Dads of Great Students) in the school during the school day prior to the Covid shut down
Following this impressive data set was the “ask” – specific ways congregation members can get involved this year to expand the church’s partnership with the school.
First United Methodist Church in Graham has served as the hands and feet of Christ in their community for many years through C4C, and we celebrate their ministry!
Written by David Rockefeller, NCCUMC C4C Director