The Memorial Service began with a prelude by Paul Saik and orchestra, followed by “For All the Saints.” Rev. Rhonda Grant Jordan led the congregation in a responsive litany and prayer. Joy Butler Clayton offered a solo performance of “Eternal Life: The Prayer of St. Francis.”
Rev. Dr. Edgardo Colón-Emeric preached on John 14:15-31. He spoke of the testimonies of those whom the body gathered to memorialize: lives in which “the Methodist connection is stronger than death…[and] the church will outlive the universe” sharing God’s gracious hospitality through:
- Methodist Monuments: honoring our forebears through song and service
- We all have a story connecting us to past, present, and future
- Each of us serves as a temple to the Trinity
- Resurrected remembrances of the truth of Jesus Christ
- Jesus overwhelms the imagination, so he sent the Holy Spirit to guide us and help us remember everything about Jesus in light of the resurrection
- Jesus is Lord of All and Everyone, and we need to obey Jesus more
- Pentecost Prayers: all our final hopes look to the Spirit for fulfillment (see Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds)
- We need the Spirit to give us the courage to proclaim resurrection to all the world
- The great banquet in heaven looks like Pentecost
- The fire within that sends us out to share the good news
As the name of each faithful servant was read, a bell rang, and family members were invited to stand in silent prayer. The service concluded with singing, a benediction by Bishop Shelton, and a postlude by Paul Saik and orchestra.