We are excited to be able to again meet in person for Annual Conference 2022. We look forward to seeing you in Greenville on June 15-18 as we worship, learn, conduct business, and fellowship together. We will be blessed in our gatherings by this year’s leadership: Bishop Leonard E. Fairley, the Rev. Janet Wolf, and the Rev. Dr. Kenneth W. Locklear. Learn more about them and when you can see them during Annual Conference below.

Bishop Leonard E. Fairley
Bishop Fairley was elected to the episcopacy in 2016 from the NC Conference and became our bishop in September 2021. He is also the episcopal leader for the Kentucky and Red Bird Conferences. Bishop Fairley has served large and small as well as rural and urban churches and as a district superintendent for the Rockingham and Capital districts. He and his wife, Dawn, have a blended family with four children and seven grandchildren.
Bishop Fairley will preside over the business sessions and will preach at the Ordering of Ministry Service on Saturday morning at 10:30 am.

Rev. Janet Wolf
Janet has worked as a poverty rights organizer, UM pastor, college and seminary professor, and animator with think tanks inside prisons. She focuses on public theology, transformative justice, and nonviolent direct action organizing to disrupt and dismantle the cradle to prison pipeline. She is the author of Practicing Resurrection: The Gospel of Mark and Radical Discipleship. Janet and her husband, Bill Haley, have five sons and six grandchildren.
Janet will share with us during the Wednesday evening worship service at 7 pm and lead the Thursday morning Bible study at 8:30 am.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth W. Locklear
Ken has served in pastoral ministry for over 34 years. He has served seven churches, started a new church in Greensboro, NC, and served as Executive Director of Native American Ministries for the Southeastern Jurisdiction at Lake Junaluska. He is now serving as the Gateway District Superintendent. Ken is married to Janet, and they have one son.
Ken will be our preacher for the Memorial Service on Thursday morning at 11 am.
For more information about Annual Conference 2022, visit nccumc.org/ac2022.