Rev. David Gira served several churches in the North Carolina Conference before he was diagnosed with lung cancer. While on medical leave, he continued his ministry by writing devotionals for people with cancer. He also wrote an insightful book about his experience, How Cancer Cured Me: Healing Brokenness and Disease.
David’s legacy lives on through these writings and the cancer devotionals available online through Cancer Companions. He wrote 67 beautiful cancer devotionals currently being provided for free by text, email, and search by topic/author online. The devotions are part of a 365-day cancer devotional project called Inside the Cancer Journey.

Cancer Companions has launched The Michael “David” Gira Legacy Fund dedicated to perpetuating David’s devotionals for future generations. November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, and the Gira Legacy Fund is seeking to raise funds to increase views of the devotionals, create a printed version of the devotionals, and develop David’s Lenten series of cancer devotionals into a bible study for anyone to enjoy including Cancer Companions Bible Study Groups nationwide.
Churches and individuals wishing to support the Gira Legacy Fund campaign may use the video clips, social media posts, and PowerPoint slide available in this Google Drive.