Each quadrennium the North Carolina Conference requires that every clergy (licensed, provisional, ordained, retired, interim supply) serving a church or under episcopal appointment (extension ministry) must complete ethics training. During the month of February we will utilize the resources of Safe Gatherings by using their online Clergy Ethics Course.
Seminary Debt Endowment Repayment Program Open for Applicants
This Annual Conference year initiates the sixth year of the North Carolina Conference’s commitment to assisting clergy with reducing seminary debt. With gratitude to the Council on Finance and Administration […]
Duke Clergy Health Initiative Survey
Attention clergy and lay leaders in NC: A team of researchers at Duke Divinity School are working to equip churches with resources that will help them to respond faithfully to […]
Board of Ordained Ministry Shares Anti-Racism Efforts
The North Carolina Conference Board of Ordained Ministry is committed to anti-racism and to ongoing practices of review, reflection, and learning as we engage with candidates throughout the licensing and […]
District Committee on Ordained Ministry Resources
Find resources here: Candidacy Ministry Tracks 2023-2024 dCOM HandbookIf you would like a hard copy of this handbook mailed to you, please email the Office of Clergy Life. General Board […]