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[Nov2020 Update] Conversational Covenant
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Conversational Covenant

This Covenant is for creating safer, sacred space for all participants. Your presence indicates your agreement to abide by the following Conversational Covenant:

  1. We will respect the facilitators as the leaders of the conversation.  We will speak directly to the facilitators.

  1. We will remain seated.

  1. We will use a talking object so that all may be heard.
  2. We will use “I” statements and speak only from our own experiences. 
  3. We will speak the truth in love, meaning whatever is said is intended for building up and not tearing down one another.
  4. We will keep the conversation confidential, meaning whatever is said is not to be shared with anyone who has not participated in the conversation.
  5. We will not make any electronic recordings of the conversation.
  6. To respect confidentiality and honor those speaking, we will limit note-taking to brief reminders of topics to address when it is our turn to speak.

Your facilitators serve under the auspices of the NC Conference Conflict Transformation Ministries.  Your facilitators may take additional notes for summary reports.  Summary reports contain broad themes and possible action steps.  Your facilitators will work with you to ensure accuracy, discretion, and fairness in any summary reports.  Finalized summary reports will be shared with participants and the Director of the Conflict Transformation Ministries.