$ Virtual Dinner Church Encounter (Fresh Expressions)


Leaders all across the country are rediscovering Jesus' dinner table theology that dominated the Apostolic Era. The present-day Dinner Church movement is giving leaders and churches a renewed ability to reach people who would never attend their Sunday morning gatherings. Join in an interactive webinar perfect for networks, churches or individuals. The Dinner Church Encounter […]


$ A Scriptural Walk to Refresh the Soul (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: March 10 – 21, 2025 “A Scriptural Walk to Refresh the Soul” will help weary believers prioritize God every day. This two-week course will encourage you to put God first in your life even if you feel like you don’t have time, while it guides you through a selection of Scriptures to open your heart to see Him in ordinary things and refresh […]


Power of God Webinar (Creation Justice Ministries)


Too often, our theology of God's power has been shaped by images of dominion and control, mirroring human systems of exploitation and extraction. We have built energy systems that drain the earth's lifeblood, mistaking dominion for destruction. But scripture reveals a different kind of power - one that flows through relationships, nurtures life, and brings […]


$ What Do I Do with My Anger? (Center for Action and Contemplation)


Richard Rohr and Brian McLaren host a 90-minute live online gathering on March 14. Many of us feel growing anger about politics, economic opportunities, persistent racism, our threatened environment, and broken institutions. What do we do with our anger—and can ancient wisdom from the contemplative Christian tradition offer guidance for us in these times?  Join […]

$5 – $95

Table Matters (Fresh Expressions)


Support and Friendship for Dinner Church Leaders You lead a dinner church, or you want to someday. How do you get started, stay on track, and make sure your table community is becoming a church? Dinner Church is a recovery of the simple, meal-based gatherings of Jesus and the early Church. But even though the […]


$ FX Team Cultivator (Fresh Expressions)


The Team Cultivator is a collaborative environment where teams can build energy and clarity for the next steps in their fresh expression initiatives. In this quarterly 2.5 hour online gathering, teams will have the opportunity to gauge where they are in the Fresh Expression Journey and share and work through the opportunities and challenges before […]


A Call for Courageous Resisters and Moral Leaders (United Women in Faith)


Join United Women in Faith for an informative and inspiring lesson in history and theology from Rev. Dr. AnneMarie Mingo. Her lecture, “A Call for Courageous Resisters and Moral Leaders,” will present selections from her extensive research on Black Churchwomen’s leadership in the Civil Rights Movement. Rev. Dr. AnneMarie Mingo is Associate Professor of Ethics, Culture, and Moral […]
