$ Becoming an Effective Witness for Jesus Christ (BeADisciple.com)


Are you able to recall a time in your life when someone reached out to you with the love of Christ and changed your life forever? Do you have a burning desire to share God’s love with others? Do you want the Light of Christ within you to be a beacon to those lost in […]


What You Really Need to Know about Housing Allowances (Discipleship Ministries)


Each year when we do the special clergy tax webinar, we get more questions about the Housing Allowance than any other topic. And the questions come not just from clergy, but from Finance Committee members, Treasurers, and SPRC chairs as well. So for the first time, we are going to offer a webinar for laity […]


$ Money Talks – A Biblical Take on Saving, Spending and Giving (ClergyEducation.com)


The good news is, money isn’t the only thing that talks. God also talks. Co-authors of the new best-seller Money Talks, Callie and Roz Picardo share their hope that in listening to God speak, God will direct our steps in all areas- from earning and saving to spending and giving. It’s nearly impossible to avoid […]


What is a Simplified, Accountable Structure (SAS)? (Discipleship Ministries)


This two-session webinar series with leadership coach Kay Kotan and Rev. Blake Bradford looks at how simplified, accountable leadership structure (often called the “one-board” model) can empower, equip, and set laity and clergy free to focus on the mission of making disciples of Jesus who change the world. Register for the webinar


$ Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (NCC LSM)


This course is offered by the Beacon District Lay Servant Ministries Team on August 14th. It will be held virtually (via ZOOM) from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm that day. This session will be facilitated by Ginny Crocker and Tom Santa. Faithful Christian discipleship requires a foundation in the core belief and practices of the Christian tradition. This course […]


$ Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (NCC LSM)


This course is offered by the Beacon District Lay Servant Ministries Team on August 14th. It will be held virtually (via ZOOM) from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm that day. This session will be facilitated by Ginny Crocker and Tom Santa. Faithful Christian discipleship requires a foundation in the core belief and practices of the Christian tradition. This course […]
