In partnership with the NC Conference Evangelism and Discipleship committee, the Center for Leadership Excellence invites you to a virtual workshop designed for children’s ministers, youth ministers, parents, and those who work with children and youth.
The world we live in is diverse. Yet often we tend to stay closer to what feels comfortable—what we are more familiar with—which means that we can feel uncomfortable when engaging with people who are different from us. Learning about the differences of others can feel like learning a new language, like starting all over with our “ABCs.” Being gentle with ourselves and others as we learn the language of difference can help us as ministers, parents, and members of a worldwide community become more compassionate as we work together to build a better world. Carolyn Helsel and Y. Joy Harris-Smith share how to do this as they talk about their book The ABCs of Diversity: Helping Kids (and Ourselves!) Engage Our Differences.
Participants will spend some time reflecting on their own approaches to difference and will leave with practical tools and suggestions for honoring and engaging difference through their youth and children’s ministry programs.