Plan to join us as we share a meal, enjoy disciple-driven fellowship, receive a message from Bishop Shelton, and watch the Duke vs. Southern Methodist University Football Game. The event is open to all--men, women, youth, and children. To reserve your tickets, email Bill Higgins at Let Bill know how many people will be […]
The Beacon district LSM team is pleased to present this spiritual gifts course, open to all UMC laity. This course helps participants understand spiritual gifts and how the church can use them to fulfill its mission and ministry. Participants will also learn what it means to be a spiritual leader and will be equipped to lead others in exploring and using their spiritual gifts.
Fresh Expressions, Garden Day is a one-day training kick-off event with a wide-net approach. The purpose of this Day of Learning is to equip churches to reach new people, in new places, and in new ways by focusing on imagination and seeding ideas.
Political commercials, robo calls, and challenging conversations are all increasing as we move towards election day. Imagine what it would be like to carve out some time for yourself to “center down” with others and keep calm in this intense season. Each 90-minute session will include a bible passage for reflection, a therapeutic education topic, […]
The Fairway district LSM team is pleased to present this course, open to all UMC laity. For people of faith, storytelling has special meaning. We are people of the story, and we seek to identify and share our stories in nearly everything we do.
Pastors, congregations, and church members are invited to two webinars designed to provide hospitality and legal information for immigrants living in the United States.
800-849-4433 (Toll-Free)
NC Conference of
The United Methodist Church
700 Waterfield Ridge Place
Garner, NC 27529
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